
Miniaturisation pour la Synthèse, l’Analyse et la Protéomique (MSAP) UAR 3290


MS for All Omics is specialized in mass spectrometry-based proteomics for biology, food industry, cultural heritage, environement. It provides services to academics, laboratories, and companies as well as methodological and technological developments. MS for All Omics is coordinated by Dr. Fabrice Bray (senior engineer).

The platform is open to all research teams from the University of Lille and the extent of its possibilities, teams external to the University.

Two types of services are offered by the platform:

  • Direct access to instruments
  • Collaborations that often represent larger-scale projects

The platform has different analysis softwares MASCOT Distiller Proteome Discoverer, Peaks 7, Proteome Deconvolution, Maxquant, Skyline the software suite for MALDI TOF and TOF-TOF. And a server with databases Swissprot, but also internal NCBI databases.

The aim of the Proteomics Platform is to provide teams that cater to her equipment, scientific competence and know-how tailored to questions, from the simplest (identification of proteins from an organism fully sequenced) to more complex (quantification of changes, dynamics of post-translational modifications, …), as part of collaborations and benefits.

The platform performs:

  • Protein identification by enzymatic digestion (tissue, plasma, bone, powder, gel, blood…)
  • Quantification of protein per method Label Free, SILAC, TMT
  • Quantification of protein with AQUA method and PRM analysis
  • Intact protein analysis by Top Down
  • Analysis of post-translational modifications (phosphorylation, glycosylation…)
  • Enrichment of glyco or phosphopeptides or proteins. purification with home made column
  • Analysis of samples of cultural heritage, archeology or paleontology
  • lipidomics of TAGs and metabolomics

The proteomics platform posseesses multiple software for analyzing proteomics data. These include the spectra and chromatograms processing software appliances as well as manufacturers’ complex bioinformatics solutions.

  • DELL Power Edge R920 with 4 processors Intel Xeon E7-4850v2 à 2,3GHz 12 core, 512Go de RAM, 2 disks 1.6 To SSD SATA, 8 disks 1 To Nearline SAS 6 Gbps 7200 Tpm
  • Rack Dell NetShelter SX 24U
  • Mascot Server 2.5, Mascot Daemon & Mascot Distiller 2.5
  • PEAKS X Bioinformatics Solutions Inc
  • Proteome discover 2.2 Thermo Scientific
  • LC-Progenesis et Same Spot NonLienar Dynamics
  • Byonic
  • Proteome Deconvolution 4.0

Free IT solutions are implemented, such as:

  • MaxQuant & Perseus = quantification & statistics
  • skyline = quantification + statistics
  • Cytoscape = biological analysis

This software is used for protein identification with bottom up strategy, post traductionnal modifications, quantification (with or without labeling), identification of glycosylation or phosphorylation, protein Top Down MSMS analysis. Developpements bio-inoformatic softwares for proteomic approaches with Olga PLECHAKOVA (IR-U-LIlle) and Marc HAEGELIN (IE-CNRS).

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